The majority of our items (themes, code, graphics, 3D and flash) are covered by our Standard Licenses. If your end product including the item is going to be free to the end user then a Regular License is what you need. An Extended License is required if the end user must pay to use the end product.
Regularview full license | Extendedview full license | |
Number of end products | 1 | 1 |
Use in a single end product | ||
Use in a free end product (more than one end user allowed) | ||
Use in an end product that's sold | ||
On-demand products/services (e.g. "made to order" or "create your own" apps and sites) | One license per each customized end product | |
Use in stock items/templates (See FAQ for more details) |
You may charge your client for your services to create an end product, even under the Regular License. But you can’t use one of our Standard Licenses on multiple clients or jobs.
제목 | 날짜 | |
웹기획자의 역할 | 2015/08/25 | |
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79 | [기획톡] 이온디 진행표, 커뮤니티 만들기 도전 중 | 2024/05/02 |
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76 | [기획톡] 회사를 다니며 '내 일'을 준비한 사람들' | 2023/10/18 |
75 | [기획톡] [항해99] 취업을 위해 필요한 PM 역량 강의 (무료 웨비나) | 2023/09/20 |
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68 | [추천] SW캠프 | PM코스 사전 설명회 안내 | 2023/05/26 |
67 | [기획톡] 피그마로 기획하기 | 2022/03/04 |
66 | [기획톡] 토스파운드 신청하기, 사업계획서 작성원칙 [1] | 2022/01/16 |
65 | [기획톡] 피그마로 서비스 기획하기 | 2022/01/08 |
64 | [기획톡] 알아둬야하는 IT용어 | 2022/01/07 |
63 | [UI 자료] 요구사항 명세서 | 2021/02/01 |