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윈도우 8.1 0x80070011 오류
첨부파일 https://imweb.eond.com/webtip/363209

윈도우 8.1 사용 중 한컴을 설치하려고 하면 닷넷프레임워크를 설치해야한다.

닷넷프레임워크 3.5를 설치하려는데 0x80070011 오류가 나타났다.

심볼릭 관련된 오류였는데 해결법은 아래와 같다.


It might be a bit late, but i answer anyway.


My setup is probably exactly the same as yours.

C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files (x86)\ are symbolic links to

P:\Program Files\ and P:\Program Files (x86)\ in my case

and i had the exact same issue with error 0x80070011 trying to install .NET 3.5.

Well, i actually managed to install it with this little "trick":


Regedit -> HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion

Now change the Path in 


ProgramFilesDIr (x86) and

ProgramW6432Dir  to (in my case) Drive P:\, install .NET 3.5 and change back the paths afterwards.


Restart your computer and everything should be fine :)

코멘트 0
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