생성된 북마크의 URL 란에 다음의 스크립트를 복사 해서 넣는다.
javascript:function r(d){d.oncontextmenu=null;d.onselectstart=null;d.ondragstart=null;d.onkeydown=null;d.onmousedown=null; d.body.oncontextmenu=null;d.body.onselectstart=null;d.body.ondragstart=null;d.body.onkeydown=null; d.body.onmousedown=null;};function unify(w){r(w.document);if(w.frames.length>0){for(var i=0;i<w.frames.length;i++){try{unify(w.frames[i].window);}catch(e){}};};}; unify(self);
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