첨부파일 https://imweb.eond.com/hosting_guide/464319

인증키를 직접 삽입 후 아래 파일로 교체함.


 * Froala WYSIWYG Editor Skin
 * Base class of froala WYSIWYG editor skin
 * @author largeden (largeden@romanesque.co)
 * @package /modules/editor/skins/froalaeditor

class roFE extends ModuleObject
    //var $rokey = array();
    var $rokey = array('인증키');
    var $roact = array('dispEditorConfigPreview','dispCommunicationSendMessage');

    function roFE ()
        $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
        $froalaeditor_default_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('froalaeditor');
            $froalaeditor_default_config = new stdClass();

        if(count($this->rokey) == 0)
            $this->rokey = $froalaeditor_default_config->license_key;
            $this->rokey = array_filter(array_map('trim', preg_split('/[\r\n]/', $this->rokey)), function($item) {
                return $item !== '';

        $filename = '_f_';
        $path     = 'files/cache/froalaeditor/'.$filename.'.js';
        $cookie   = $filename;
        $script   = "try { (function (k){localStorage.ROK=k;})([".'"'.implode( '","', $this->rokey ).'"'."]) } catch(e){}";

            @FileHandler::writeFile($path, $script, 'w');

//        if(!$_COOKIE[$cookie])
//        {
//            setcookie($cookie,date('YmdHis'),time()+(60*60*24*365));
//            Context::addJsFile($path, false, '', 0, 'body');
//        }
//        elseif($_COOKIE[$cookie] < date('YmdHis', filemtime($path)))
//        {
//            setcookie($cookie,"",time()-3600);
//            Context::addJsFile($path, false, '', 0, 'body');
//        }
            Context::addJsFile($path, false, '', 0, 'body');
        elseif($_COOKIE[$cookie] < date('YmdHis', filemtime($path)))
            Context::addJsFile($path, false, '', 0, 'body');
            Context::addJsFile($path, false, '', 0, 'body');

        if(in_array(Context::get('act'), $this->roact))
            Context::set('roact', true);

        $this->getFroalaeditorConfig($froalaeditor_default_config, Context::get('module_info')->module_srl);

    function getFroalaeditorConfig ($froalaeditor_default_config,$current_module_srl = '')
        if(!$current_module_srl && !Context::get('roact'))

            $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
            $froalaeditor_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('froalaeditor', $current_module_srl);
            $froalaeditor_config = new stdClass();

        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_document_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_document_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_document_config);
        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_comment_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_comment_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_comment_config);
        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_message_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_message_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_message_config);
        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_document_mobile_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_document_mobile_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_document_mobile_config);
        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_comment_mobile_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_comment_mobile_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_comment_mobile_config);
        if($froalaeditor_default_config->is_froalaeditor_message_mobile_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_default_message_mobile_config', $froalaeditor_default_config->froalaeditor_message_mobile_config);

        if(Context::get('act') == 'dispEditorConfigPreview')

        if($froalaeditor_config->is_froalaeditor_document_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_document_config', $froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_document_config);
        if($froalaeditor_config->is_froalaeditor_comment_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_comment_config', $froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_comment_config);
        if($froalaeditor_config->is_froalaeditor_document_mobile_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_document_mobile_config', $froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_document_mobile_config);
        if($froalaeditor_config->is_froalaeditor_comment_mobile_config == 'Y')
            Context::set('froalaeditor_comment_mobile_config', $froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_comment_mobile_config);

        if($froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_cdn == 'N')
            $module_info = Context::get('module_info');
            $module_info->ro_cdn =$froalaeditor_config->froalaeditor_cdn;
            Context::set('module_info', $module_info);

$roFE = new roFE();

/* End of file editor.php */
/* Location: ./modules/editor/skins/froalaeditor/editor.php */




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