첨부파일 https://imweb.eond.com/frontendforum/360595

프론트 엔드 개발자라면 HTML과 CSS, 자바스크립트는 기본입니다.

자바스크립트를 좀 더 적은 코드를 사용하면서 더 많은 기능을 할 수 있게 만든 jQuery도 기본입니다.

그 밖에 AngularJS나, MySQL 같은 것은 백 엔드 쪽에 가깝다고 할 수 있으나 간단한 통신 정도는 할 줄 알아야 하는가 봅니다.

앵귤러JS든 React든 자바스크립트 프레임워크는 시시때때로 나오고 있으니 계속 공부할 수 밖에 없구요.



As I’ve been playing with learning code and graphic design for a little while now, I’ve noticed my affinity for playing with website design and development. Thus, I’ve done my research and compiled an “Ultimate Plan” for how I’m going to learn the skills necessary to become a developer and find a career in this field. I am going to be learning each of these concepts in the exact order that I have organized the courses. This list was originally going to be made for myself in a Google spreadsheet, however, I decided that it would be helpful for others to access as well. Oh, and all of these courses are completely free! Enjoy! :)

Step One: HTML/CSS

  1. Tuts+ 30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS
  2. Udemy Learn HTML5 Programming From Scratch
  3. Codecademy HTML/CSS// Web Developer Skills: Make a Website,Make an Interactive Website
  4. Udemy Intro to Web Development: HTML
  5. Levelup Tuts Sass Tutorials

Step Two: Javascript

  1. Khan Academy Intro to JS
  2. Codecademy Javascript
  3. Khan Academy Advanced JS: Games and Visualizations
  4. Programmr JS Exercises, Examples, Projects
  5. jsdares

Step Three: jQuery

  1. Tuts+ 30 Days to Learn jQuery
  2. Programmer jQuery Course
  3. Codecademy jQuery
  4. Tuts+ jQuery UI 101

Step Four: AngularJS

  1. W3schools AngularJS Tutorial
  2. Revolve Learn AngularJS in 30 Minutes
  3. Tuts+ Hands-On Angular
  4. Programmr AngularJS

Step Five: MySQL

  1. Udemy MySQL Database for Beginners
  2. Tutorialspoint MySQL

Step 6: CoffeeScript (Optional, kinda…) 

  1. Levelup Tuts Coffeescript Tutorials

I’ll probably make another one of these for learning the LAMP stack and/or Node.js in the future, so those will most likely be very helpful as well.

Source: Girl Vs Code

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