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워드프레스 글등록시 미디어이미지 설정 기본값을 변경하는 방법

#워드프레스 link to 자동으로



You can actually access your wp-options file by typing in yourdomain/wp-admin/options.php in your browser and logging into your site. This will give you access to all settings where you can find:


all settings-image_default_link_type

In the field next to this setting, you have 3 choices:

  1. none – This links back to the post it was uploaded to.
  2. file – This links to the image file in your wp-content/uploads folder. (Not recommended as may be used for hotlinking)
  3. post – This links back to the post it was uploaded to.
  4. attachment – This links to an attachment post generated by WordPress for all image files uploaded to a post.

방법2. Yoast Wordpress SEO 플러그인 설치

permalink settings

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