각종 팁&정보를 나누는 곳입니다.
누군가에게 도움이 된다 싶으시면 언제라도 포스팅 :)
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xampp 설치
첨부파일 https://imweb.eond.com/webtip/430991


it seems you have an antivirus running. in some cases, this may slow down or interfere the installation of the software. please visit the following link to learn more about this.


continue with installation?


Important! because an activated user account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted. with UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to c:\Program files (missing write permissions). or deactivate uac with msconfig after this setup.




error: Cannot create file "C\xampp\xampp-control.ini". 액세스가 거부되었습니다

> xampp-control.exe 관리자 권한으로 실행


ShellExecute failed (2): Is this command Correct 출처: https://hothoony.tistory.com/664 [organizing]


5. 가상호스트 설정




5.1. 아래 코드 추가

<VirtualHost *:80>

       DocumentRoot "d:/xampp/htdocs"

       ServerName localhost


<VirtualHost *:80>

       DocumentRoot "d:/web/eond/dev"

       ServerName dev.localhost


dev.localhost -> (o)

localhost/dev -> (x)

5.2. 접근이 거부됨!

요청한 객체에 접근할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다. 읽기 보호가 되어 있거나 웹서버가 읽을 수 없도록 되어 있습니다.

만약 이것이 서버 오류라고 생각되면, 웹 관리자에게 연락하시기 바랍니다.

Error 403


Apache/2.4.41 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1c PHP/7.4.4

참조 : https://auctionpro.co.kr/?p=1522

#수정 아래코드 추가


DocumentRoot "D:/web/eond/dev"

<Directory "D:/web/eond/dev">

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI

    AllowOverride All

    Require all granted


DocumentRoot "D:/web/eond/rhymix"

<Directory "D:/web/eond/rhymix">

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI

    AllowOverride All

    Order deny,allow

    Deny from all


5.3. 윈도우에서 호스트값 추가해주기


http://localhost/dashboard/docs/configure-vhosts.html wordpress.localhost

코멘트 0
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