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How much does it cost to build a mobile app for business? In my experience, developing Android and iOS apps starts at a minimum of $10,000.

But there is a very effective way to build a mobile app for just $35 a month. You can do it yourself, or you can hire a team, and it can be done in a matter of days, not months, and for tens of dollars, not thousands.

What I'm talking about is Natively, a service that easily converts any website or web application into a native app.

Whether your website/web app is built with a JavaScript framework or leverages a no-code platform like Bubble, Webflow, Wix, WordPress, or Shopify, Natively makes the transition to a mobile app smooth and simple.

Natively is incredibly easy to use. The user-friendly, automated process allows anyone to create an app in minutes, without any technical expertise.

Natively lets you set up a variety of native mobile features, including push notifications, health kit, location tracking, camera, gallery, in-app purchases, and more. And new features are constantly being added.

Since its initial launch a year ago, Natively has helped more than 800 applications successfully launch on the App Store and Google PlayMarket.

Check out Natively's website, reviews, and case studies here: https://www.buildnatively.com/

In today’s digital age, having a native application is essential to attract and retain users, and it helps your business grow. That’s why I believe Natively is definitely worth a try, especially since it’s free to get started. 🌍

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