첨부파일 https://imweb.eond.com/font/365975

100 Must-have Free Fonts for Commercial and Personal Use


Each time a designer starts work on a new design, there is always a big problem: a lack of high-quality materials, such as fonts, icons, images etc.

Of course, you can create a font that will properly fit the design you created, but it’s not a good idea since font creation takes a lot of time, which is never enough when you have to work within a deadline.




The solution is simple: you can use ready-made free fonts. There are tons of them all over the web, and we have but collected a small group of 100 free fronts you can download here.

There are elegant and unusual fonts, serif and slab serif, rigorous and handwritten fonts and more in the showcase. If you want more do check out our previous round-up of abstract and grunge free fonts.

1. V.GER Grotesque




2. Goudy Bookletter 1911




3. Desyrel




4. Nougatine




5. Sweetness




6. Qarmic Sans




7. Cabinsketch




8. Clutchee




9. Manteka




10. Print Clearly




11. Magna Typeface




12. GoodFoot




13. Oswald




14. Blackout




15. Sofia




16. Disco




17. Ridge




18. Andika Basic




19. VAL Font




20. Idolwild




21. Enigmatic




22. Bobber Typeface




23. Pecita




24. Capsuula




25. Higher




26. Reddressed




27. Spin Cycle




28. Nexa




29. Sketchetica




30. Six Caps




31. Villa Didot




32. Multicolore




33. SorbetLTD




34. Cartoonist Hand




35. Johanna




36. Pompiere




37. Garton




38. Gabo




39. Anivers




40. Short Stack




41. Fabrica




42. Mountains of Christmas




43. Jinky




44. Benthem




45. Where stars shine the brightest




46. Eraser




47. Accent




48. Crimson




49. Cosmo Path Type




50. Talking to the Moon




51. BPdots




52. RBNo2




53. ZalamanderCaps




54. Geotica




55. Gputeks




56. Virgo 01




57. Deco Neue




58. FortySecondStreet




59. DymaxionScript




60. Russian Dolls Font




61. Spilt Ink




62. Wave Me




63. DejaVu Sans Mono




64. Monoxil




65. Stitching Font




66. Oxygen Mono




67. Navia




68. TeX Gyre Cursor




69. Telegrama




70. Razor




71. Verily Serif Mono




72. Excellens




73. Arvo




74. Kawoszeh




75. Matchup




76. Unibody 8








78. Roman Caps




79. Mosaic Leaf




80. Junkos Typewriter




81. Gota




82. NotCourierSans




83. Stroke




84. Skyhook Mono




85. Ubuntu Mono




86. «zwodrei»




87. JustOldFashion




88. Ribbon




89. Tetra Font




90. Loaded




91. Absinthe




92. Matchbook




93. Tale




94. Ostrich Sans




95. Speakeasy




96. Playtime With Hot Toddies




97. Sablon Type




98. SouciSans




99. Broken Record




100. Maw


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